Keeping Your Waves Clean

Keeping Your Waves Clean

Welcome to this weeks, Tuesday's Tips!

If there’s anything I know, getting your  360 waves 540 waves or 720 waves can be difficult, so I thought it would be helpful to provide you all with some helpful tips weekly. DuragsCompression Caps Brushes  you name it, we got it! You can check out the quick instagram video or read the short article below!

Wash your hair!

Washing your hair is by far one of the most important parts of hair care maintenance. After sweating, using products like pomade, and brushing, your hair is bound to get dirty. You should have a regular schedule on how often you wash your hair. My recommendation is at least once a week. But make sure you are using a moisturizer and some type of oil to keep your scalp healthy and leave your hair with a nice shine

Wash your brushes!

On top of washing your hair, it’s important to keep your tools clean as well. Washing your brushes is a simple task that goes a long way. By washing your brushes you minimize putting the buildup you’ve washed out of your hair back on your head. Also, this benefits your skin a well. By keeping your brushes clean you reduce the amount of dander and oils getting into your skin. You probably don’t realize how often your brushes touch your skin, so it’s important to keep them just as clean as your hair.

Make sure to have at least 2-3 durags

Having a couple durags is really important because just like your hair and brushes, durags get dirty. Not only do they get dirty, but they absorb oils from your hair as well. This can cause skin irritation, zits, wtc. So while you’re washing your other durags, it’s important to have other ones you can rotate to.


The Key To Your Best Waves Yet

For the  best durags for 360 waves  head over to Royalty Headwear. They are a superior provider for  everything waves
If you’re still asking how to tie a durag, we’ve produced something that will change your life. Our  silky durag,  the royalty rag, is the first one strap durag. This isn’t your regular durag, with two straps. This one strap durag, have velcro on that one strap so you can easily apply it. Never deal with knots in the back of your head or those deep forehead lines you get from the typical durag.
Our  Compression Cap , the royalty cap, is the only compression cap that has its elastic band completely encased in fabric. This is a simple alternative to your typical durags and provides a great way to double compress your waves. 
Lastly, our  Natural Pomade is made of plant based ingredients that are sure to provide you with great hold, moisture and shine. Made with natural ingredients such as beeswax, castor oil, coconut oil, shea butter, cocoa butter, and sweet almond oil, it’s guaranteed to leave you satisfied.